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Companies that partner & trust us with Cyber Security Services!
Cybersecurity Services Provider Tampa
Mortgage Industry
In March 2018 our company was cyber attacked with a very sophisticated Banking Trojan Virus.
The virus attempted to gain access to our servers through our individual PC’s. The IT company we had at
the time had created 5 layers of security along with using Malware Ransomware, Malware Bytes, and VIPRE antivirus software. The cyber attack occurred from an email, that did not require it to be clicked on or opened. Once deployed, it was a battle for 120 straight hours to protect our date. Our former IT team worked diligently to return to normal. The former IT team wiped and reloaded 45+ machines and at last I had a sigh of relief, only to find out the virus would return once the PC accessed the internet, and our software could only quarantine, not prevent. Our only safeguard was to disconnect the internet.
Finally, one of the IT Expert pulled me to the side and his exact words “this will require a level of
expertise that will far exceed 98% of all the industry people you will find to rectify this issue, but I know
someone in that 2% and his name is Felix Negron.” Immediately, I made a call to ThreatShield at 10:00
PM at night and left a message reflecting the urgency. I received a call back and by 11:00 PM Felix and Team were remote logged in working on the issue. Within 4 Hours, our main threat had been
eliminated. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know why, I immediately hired Threatshield. The industry
knowledge, accessibility, detailed reports, and thorough explanation put my mind at ease. I truly owe a lot more than just the bill I received to ThreatShield.
Contact Us

+1 (813) 291-3693 International Calls On WhatsApp
14906 Winding Creek Ct. Ste. 101-D Tampa, FL 33613
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Get Started
Contact us at info@threatshieldsecurity.com or at +1(813) 291-3693 and one of our consultants will provide additional information.